Most of you already own or is considering the purchase of an Apple Iphone , and do not want the limitation of having AT&T as your cellphone carrier.
Currently, the iphone is only available in select areas such as the United States and parts of Europe. It is not available in Australia, Hong Kong and Canada, countries where there is a high demand for the new iphone and where Apple has yet to launched its innovative mobile phone network . Obtaining an iphone in these countries is not difficult since the iphone can be purchase online via ebay and other stores but getting the device to operate in these countries is not possible without first unlocking the iphone.
The prodam iphone praha software allows you to unlocked the iphone allowing it to be used in different countries and regions of the world on any GSM carrier. No longer will you be limited to just AT&T as your sole carrier but you now have the option of selecting another unique third-party carriers with your own customize rate an usage plan.
One caveat you should be aware of is that once you’ve unlock the iphone you will most certainly lose the Apple Warranty that accompany your iphone purchase. Also, AT&T and Apple has a contract, to have the iphone be exclusively sold under the GSM carrier AT&T. Meaning, that if you buy the iphone unlocked and you subsequently purchase the prodam iphone praha software to unlock your iphone, it might not work with your local carrier because Apple may have programmed the phone to operate exclusively and only with AT&T wireless network.